Brides Cake
The Bride's Cake Order Now! Vanilla layers filled with vanilla pudding and whole raspberries, frosted with vanilla French buttercream. cake-_0004_brides-2998279493-o-jpg0003_bridescakeslice-2998303509-o-jpg These prices apply to the standard design pictured above....
Floral Basket
Floral Basket - The Perfect Cake? Order Now! This is a special ultimate occasion cake. This chocolate devils food cake is filled with raspberry preserves and chocolate mousse. It is decorated with a basket weave pattern and fresh flowers....
Raspberry Buttercream
Raspberry Buttercream Cake Order Now! Vanilla layer cake filled with raspberry buttercream and whole raspberries. Frosted with vanilla French buttercream. cake-raspbc-oraspbcslice2 These prices apply to the standard design pictured above. Custom Designs, fondant work,...