Alyssa & Matt’s Wedding at Woodwinds
It was so much fun helping Alyssa & Matt design and create their dream wedding cake! Their 20’s theme looked incredible at the Woodwinds, and the couple picked the perfect details to incorporate into their cake. The top and bottom tiers were frosted smooth...
Judge Guido Calabresi’s 85th Birthday at Yale Law School
We were unbelievably honored to create this cake for Federal Judge Guido Calabresi’s 85th birthday! When Yale Law School reached out to us to help make his celebration special with custom cake, we jumped at the opportunity. This cake has so many details that are...
2018 New Haven Reader’s Poll Best of New Haven Area
Thanks to our fans for voting us Best Cakes in the New Haven Register Poll!
Kelly & Andy’s Wedding at Madison Beach Hotel
A beached themed cake for a beach wedding at the Madison Beach Hotel! Kelly & Andy wanted the beach incorporated in every aspect of their special day, and we loved every second of it! This three tiered cake had two flavors for guests to choose from. The top and...